Alina Cioară
Alina Cioară studied Art, Psycho-Sociology, and Communication in Timișoara. Her paradigm is rooted in 16 years of research in neuroplasticity and art. It is situated at the border between the visual-conceptual and neuroscience through interpreting language, both word and image, in the decryption and (re)formulation of reality. Alina Cioară defines herself as a plastic artist and art power strategist. She prefers the term plastic artist to visual artist because of the guiding thread of her practice, namely neuroplasticity, but also because of the corpus of works accessible by engaging a multitude of senses (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory) and intended to make art accessible for a broad and functionally diverse public. Passionate about neuropsychology and its applications in art, Alina practices neuroplasticity art. When faced with different situations, our brains continuously change and respond to environmental activities. This concept is called neuroplasticity, and when combined with artistic engagement, it can be incredibly beneficial for mental well-being. Alina refers to her art as ART / Authentic Rewired Transformed // Autentic Reconectat Transformat. This word is the basis of all her projects. It informs the translation of a predominantly visual environment for recipients of all types to facilitate the activation of the recipient’s creativity.
Alina Cioară, Memorabilia, 2016-2017, ongoing visual diary
entropic doodles/ graphic entropies
photo credit: Sofia Picu Cioară