Carlos Amorales
Carlos Amorales uses graphic production to develop linguistic structures and alternative working models that allow new forms of interpretation and foster collectivity. In his projects, Amorales examines identity construction processes, proposes a constant re-signification of forms present in his work, and provokes a clash between art and pop culture. His research processes are complex; they are based on a vast repertoire of empirical methodologies to develop extensive projects that conjugate historical, cultural, and personal references. His practice expands to diverse media, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, or collage, as well as performance, installation, animation, sound art, film, and writing, among other non-traditional formats. Instruments become characters in his films, letters become shapes, and narratives unfold as non-verbal actions. Amorales’ works exist in an alternate world of their own making, parallel to ours, constantly evolving at the same pace they are produced.
Carlos Amorales The Eye Me Not / El No Me Mires, 2015, HD Film, color, with sound, 40’, still