Libby Heaney
Libby Heaney is a British artist with a Ph.D. in Quantum Information Science from the University of Leeds and an MA in Art and Science from Central Saint Martins in London. She has exhibited widely in galleries and institutions in the UK and internationally. As well as quantum computing, Heaney’s practice also incorporates AI, CGI, and VR technology, using each tool critically to investigate how and who they empower and disempower. Often, Heaney’s work subverts the typical uses of these technologies, examining and reshaping languages and environments, forcing her tools to work against themselves to expose their drawbacks and dangers. Frequently inspired by Surrealism and Dadaism, Heaney’s work incorporates affect, humor and nonsense to investigate relationships between humans and non-humans, capitalism and alternatives, subjectivity, truth and perceptions of reality, and our desires around new technologies.
Libby Heaney, Ent-, 2022, pre-rendered 5-channel video for 360 projection with sound (surround), 10 ‘, photo credit: Andrea Rossetti, © courtesy of the artist;