Dimitar Solakov
Dimitar Solakov (b. 1987) graduated from the Department of Photography at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia. The artist uses various media, including photography, video, drawings, paintings, 3D printed objects, and AR. In his work, he investigates different connections – between nature, urbanization, and the human as placed in the middle, between the past and its interpretations in the present. Another is the natural world and our place/role in it. Finally, he’s interested in our self-proclaimed role as custodians of this planet and what a lousy job we do. Many projects deal with the future of humankind observed through the prism of the present. The works could be either very personal or utterly detached from the position of the distanced observer.
Dimitar Solakov, Tomorrow Can(‘t) Wait, 2022
3D printed Common buzzard, 87 x 58 x 20 сm, servo motor, microprocessor, HD monitor, HD movie, 03:23 min looped with sound