Christian Waldvogel
Christian Waldvogel works as an artist, author, researcher, engineer, and entrepreneur. As a conceptual artist who deals with humanity as a species, on a planet, and in the universe, he believes that understanding the “world” as such – having a real sense of its properties and character as a sphere orbiting a star – enables us to achieve the sense of context necessary to become truly global citizens and live and act accordingly. His projects encourage people to look at life from an outside perspective. He reflects, paraphrases, and enhances our systems and provides his audience with the tools to do so, encouraging them to ask the underlying questions themselves. His work is a toolkit for a reality checkup and a poetic extension of humanity’s urge to expand knowledge and territory. In the past years, he focused on developing software based on his invention of the “spherene” – the opposite of the sphere and, therefore, the ideal geometry.
Christian Waldvogel, Index to One Million Digits of Pi, 2014
Book, hardcover, full color, 1316 pages
281 × 189 × 63 mm
photo: Christian Waldvogel / (c) Pro Litteris